Land rent, Economic rent: The Earth’s Worth Secretly Supported by Economists: Bryan Kavanagh analyses the Henry Tax Review following Karl’s salvo on global economic issues.
On his death in 1988, Hutchinson was succeeded by Bryan Kavanagh. As a professional property valuer and a student of Georgist economics, Kavanagh knew that the land market is characterized by bubble-burst cycles and that the bursts are followed by recessions in the wider economy. On this basis he had predicted, in an article published in The Valuer in July 1987, that the next recession would be in 1991/2. This was correct to within one year. Seeking a reliable method of diagnosing a land bubble, Kavanagh began aggregating statistics on property turnover in the several Australian States since 1972, and eventually noticed that whenever the turnover exceeded 19% of GDP in a nationwide trend, and then returned below 19% (as it always did), recession followed within 2 years. He concluded that the ratio of property turnover to GDP is a veritable barometer of the economy, and that a ratio exceeding 19% indicates an economically damaging bubble. He is therefore unimpressed by the Greenspan doctrine that one cannot recognize a bubble until it bursts. Australian real estate re-entered bubble territory, according to Kavanagh's criterion, in 1999 or 2000.
Bryan Kavanagh blogs at the Land Values Research Group: Economics as if location matters (Prosper Australia)
Source: Renegade Economists
Aired: 5/5/10 12:00 AM
A collection of speeches and interviews with Economists, Economic Pundits and Financial Consultants on the topics of Economics, Monetary Reform, Globalisation, Banking, Financial Fraud and the Global Fincancial Crisis. "Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce...." James A. Garfield
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Dr. Patrick Byrne — Peace Revolution episode 005: OVERSTOCKED / How Naked Short-Selling and Counterfeiting Stocks Create Cascading Economic Failures / an Interview with Dr. Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock dot com
Peace Revolution episode 005: OVERSTOCKED / How Naked Short-Selling and Counterfeiting Stocks Create Cascading Economic Failures / an Interview with Dr. Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock dot com
What happens when you take a doctor of philosophy who's the CEO of an $800 million dollar company- and make him a victim of naked short selling and Wall Street fraud- and put him together with a Wall Street whistle-blower who was on the inside selling the so-called "compliance" software used to hide the evidence of these crimes against humanity?
Sit back and hold on because if you thought discussing Wall Street and finance was boring, you're about to have your mind blown wide open. This is it folks. This is how the whole scam works - from top to bottom.
Beginning in 2005, Byrne become known for his campaign against naked short selling, a practice which he says has been used in violation of securities law to hurt the price of his and other companies' stock. Under his direction, has filed two lawsuits alleging improper acts by Wall Street firms, a hedge fund, and an independent research firm.
As a prerequisite to this interview, it's highly recommended that you visit Gnostic Media’s podcast and listen to episodes 49 and 50 on the Trivium Method of Thinking Critically (the format used to formulate the questions in this interview) with Gene Odening, and episode #62 with Dr. Michael Lobossiere on logical fallacies. The application of the 7 liberal arts is discussed throughout this current interview.
Also referenced in this episode is Jan’s interview via Gnostic Media’s Podcast #16 with Dr. John Loftus - the former top US Justice Dept. Prosecutor under the Carter and Reagan administrations. In that interview we discuss the US creation of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
If you would like more information about Dr. Byrne’s research on Wall Street and Naked Short Selling, go to, and for more information regarding Dr. Byrne, go to
Dr. Patrick Byrne's website is
Source: Peace Revolution's Podcast
Aired: 5/18/10 12:00 AM
What happens when you take a doctor of philosophy who's the CEO of an $800 million dollar company- and make him a victim of naked short selling and Wall Street fraud- and put him together with a Wall Street whistle-blower who was on the inside selling the so-called "compliance" software used to hide the evidence of these crimes against humanity?
Sit back and hold on because if you thought discussing Wall Street and finance was boring, you're about to have your mind blown wide open. This is it folks. This is how the whole scam works - from top to bottom.
Beginning in 2005, Byrne become known for his campaign against naked short selling, a practice which he says has been used in violation of securities law to hurt the price of his and other companies' stock. Under his direction, has filed two lawsuits alleging improper acts by Wall Street firms, a hedge fund, and an independent research firm.
As a prerequisite to this interview, it's highly recommended that you visit Gnostic Media’s podcast and listen to episodes 49 and 50 on the Trivium Method of Thinking Critically (the format used to formulate the questions in this interview) with Gene Odening, and episode #62 with Dr. Michael Lobossiere on logical fallacies. The application of the 7 liberal arts is discussed throughout this current interview.
Also referenced in this episode is Jan’s interview via Gnostic Media’s Podcast #16 with Dr. John Loftus - the former top US Justice Dept. Prosecutor under the Carter and Reagan administrations. In that interview we discuss the US creation of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.
If you would like more information about Dr. Byrne’s research on Wall Street and Naked Short Selling, go to, and for more information regarding Dr. Byrne, go to
Dr. Patrick Byrne's website is
Source: Peace Revolution's Podcast
Aired: 5/18/10 12:00 AM
Steve Keen — "Debt Saturation" on Renegade Economist, 3CR (April/21/10)
Land rent, Economic rent, Financial regulation: Debt Saturation: Prof Steve Keen sums up the motivating factors for debt as a free hit for policymakers. He also serves up a few critiques of geonomics. All fun and games –
Australian economist Professor Steve Keen (University of Western Sydney) winner of the inaugural Revere Award for Economics (2nd and 3rd place finishers Nouriel Roubini of New York University and Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research) and judged the economist who first and most cogently warned the world of the coming Global Financial Crisis argues that we are in a period of debt deflation and unemployment induced by debt saturation – particularly in the private sector – and deleveraging.
Professor Steve Keen's website is Steve Keen’s Debtwatch
Source: Renegade Economists
Aired: 4/21/10 12:00 AM
Australian economist Professor Steve Keen (University of Western Sydney) winner of the inaugural Revere Award for Economics (2nd and 3rd place finishers Nouriel Roubini of New York University and Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research) and judged the economist who first and most cogently warned the world of the coming Global Financial Crisis argues that we are in a period of debt deflation and unemployment induced by debt saturation – particularly in the private sector – and deleveraging.
Professor Steve Keen's website is Steve Keen’s Debtwatch
Source: Renegade Economists
Aired: 4/21/10 12:00 AM
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Franck Biancheri — From the Greek Tragedy to the Battle of the Bank of England and the U.S. Fed on Guns and Butter
Guns and Butter, for May 5, 2010 - 1:00pm
"From the Greek Tragedy to the Battle of the Bank of England and the U.S. Fed" with French economist, Franck Biancheri. Signs of the coming break-up of Anglo-Saxon financial domination; trends for the second half of 2010; coverage of the Greek problem; the Euro and the Eurozone; bank bailouts; interest rates; money to fund the huge western public debt becoming increasingly difficult to find.
Franck Biancheri's website is:
Source: KPFA Guns & Butter
Aired: 5/5/10 12:00 AM
"From the Greek Tragedy to the Battle of the Bank of England and the U.S. Fed" with French economist, Franck Biancheri. Signs of the coming break-up of Anglo-Saxon financial domination; trends for the second half of 2010; coverage of the Greek problem; the Euro and the Eurozone; bank bailouts; interest rates; money to fund the huge western public debt becoming increasingly difficult to find.
Franck Biancheri's website is:
Source: KPFA Guns & Butter
Aired: 5/5/10 12:00 AM
Economic Crisis,
Franck Biancheri,
Guns and Butter,
Monday, May 3, 2010
Part 5: Jim Rickards: Possible DOJ investigation of JP Morgan — "What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History" — King World News (Saturday, May 1, 2010)
Part 5: Jim Rickards: Possible DOJ investigation of JP Morgan — "What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History" — King World News (Saturday, May 1, 2010)
Ted is interviewed each week exclusively on KWN and is followed by many institutions including Sprott Assett Management. In this interview Ted stated, “More important and more serious than what's currently happening with Goldman Sachs, this is a crime in progress, this is an allegation of current market manipulation. This is as serious as you get, you don't get bigger than market manipulation.” Whistleblower Andrew Maguire credited Ted Butler as being the inspiration for coming forward to the CFTC with his complaint against JP Morgan’s alleged metals market manipulation Ted has researched the commodity markets actively for 3 decades. Ted is internationally well known for his writings on silver, gold, commodities and his COT (commitment of traders) report.
Ted is interviewed each week exclusively on KWN and is followed by many institutions including Sprott Assett Management. In this interview Ted stated, “More important and more serious than what's currently happening with Goldman Sachs, this is a crime in progress, this is an allegation of current market manipulation. This is as serious as you get, you don't get bigger than market manipulation.” Whistleblower Andrew Maguire credited Ted Butler as being the inspiration for coming forward to the CFTC with his complaint against JP Morgan’s alleged metals market manipulation Ted has researched the commodity markets actively for 3 decades. Ted is internationally well known for his writings on silver, gold, commodities and his COT (commitment of traders) report.
Economic Crisis,
Jim Rickards,
JP Morgan,
King World News,
Paper Money,
Ted Butler
Part 4: Ted Butler: Possible DOJ investigation of JP Morgan — "What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History" — King World News (Saturday, May 1, 2010)
Part 4: Ted Butler: Possible DOJ investigation of JP Morgan — "What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History" — King World News (Saturday, May 1, 2010)
Ted is interviewed each week exclusively on KWN and is followed by many institutions including Sprott Assett Management. In this interview Ted stated, “More important and more serious than what's currently happening with Goldman Sachs, this is a crime in progress, this is an allegation of current market manipulation. This is as serious as you get, you don't get bigger than market manipulation.” Whistleblower Andrew Maguire credited Ted Butler as being the inspiration for coming forward to the CFTC with his complaint against JP Morgan’s alleged metals market manipulation Ted has researched the commodity markets actively for 3 decades. Ted is internationally well known for his writings on silver, gold, commodities and his COT (commitment of traders) report.
Ted is interviewed each week exclusively on KWN and is followed by many institutions including Sprott Assett Management. In this interview Ted stated, “More important and more serious than what's currently happening with Goldman Sachs, this is a crime in progress, this is an allegation of current market manipulation. This is as serious as you get, you don't get bigger than market manipulation.” Whistleblower Andrew Maguire credited Ted Butler as being the inspiration for coming forward to the CFTC with his complaint against JP Morgan’s alleged metals market manipulation Ted has researched the commodity markets actively for 3 decades. Ted is internationally well known for his writings on silver, gold, commodities and his COT (commitment of traders) report.
Economic Crisis,
JP Morgan,
King World News,
Paper Money,
Ted Butler
Part 3: Harvey & Lenny Organ & Adrian Douglas: Drop Another Bombshell — "What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History" — King World News (Wednesday, April 7, 2010)
Part 3: Harvey & Lenny Organ & Adrian Douglas: Drop Another Bombshell In What Could End Up Being The Largest Fraud In History - I was contacted again by Adrian Douglas, Board of Director for Gata with another stunning new bombshell involving the man he testified with at the CFTC meeting Harvey Organ. Harvey, who was invited by the CFTC to testify and his son Lenny describe an eyewitness account with another piece of the puzzle in what could turn out to be the largest fraud in history. This time a large international bank with almost 15 million customers in 50 countries around the world becomes part of this unfolding saga. It is so hard to believe and unimaginable so let’s continue our trip down the rabbit hole with another King World News exclusive interview.
To read “Hong Kong Pulls All Gold Reserves From Depositories In London” click here.
To read “Morgan Stanley To Settle Class-Action Lawsuit” click here.
To read “Hong Kong Pulls All Gold Reserves From Depositories In London” click here.
To read “Morgan Stanley To Settle Class-Action Lawsuit” click here.
Adrian Douglas,
Andrew Maguire,
Economic Crisis,
Harvey Organ,
King World News,
Lenny Organ,
Paper Money,
James Ayers — "The great American bubble machine part 3" Corporate Nemesis - December 8 2009
PART 3: James Ayers discusses Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone exposé of Goldman Sachs in his July 2009 article "The Great American Bubble Machine".
James Ayers is the producer and presenter of the "Plains FM" radio show "Corporate Nemesis", a show dedicated to exposing the greed and lies of corporations, particularly multinational corporations.
James Ayers is the producer and presenter of the "Plains FM" radio show "Corporate Nemesis", a show dedicated to exposing the greed and lies of corporations, particularly multinational corporations.
Corporate Fraud,
Corporate Nemesis,
Economic Crisis,
Goldman Sachs,
James Ayers,
Plains FM,
James Ayers — "The great American bubble machine part 2" Corporate Nemesis - December 1 2009
PART 2: James Ayers discusses Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone exposé of Goldman Sachs in his July 2009 article "The Great American Bubble Machine".
James Ayers is the producer and presenter of the "Plains FM" radio show "Corporate Nemesis", a show dedicated to exposing the greed and lies of corporations, particularly multinational corporations.
James Ayers is the producer and presenter of the "Plains FM" radio show "Corporate Nemesis", a show dedicated to exposing the greed and lies of corporations, particularly multinational corporations.
Corporate Fraud,
Corporate Nemesis,
Economic Crisis,
Goldman Sachs,
James Ayers,
Plains FM,
James Ayers — "The great American bubble machine part 1" Corporate Nemesis - November 24 2009
PART 1: James Ayers discusses Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone exposé of Goldman Sachs in his July 2009 article "The Great American Bubble Machine".
James Ayers is the producer and presenter of the "Plains FM" radio show "Corporate Nemesis", a show dedicated to exposing the greed and lies of corporations, particularly multinational corporations.
James Ayers is the producer and presenter of the "Plains FM" radio show "Corporate Nemesis", a show dedicated to exposing the greed and lies of corporations, particularly multinational corporations.
Corporate Fraud,
Corporate Nemesis,
Economic Crisis,
Goldman Sachs,
James Ayers,
Plains FM,
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