Ellen Brown is a civil litigation attorney, author, and frequent writer on financial issues. A new addition of her latest book, Web of Debt, is a brilliant analysis of the private banking cartel Federal Reserve, how it usurped money creation power, and how we can take it back.
The Daily Bell "Compendium of Free-Market Thought" awarded Brown her own title, saying "in modern economic thought, (there are) now Keynsians, Austrians and Brownians.
Brown's latest writing will be discussed.
A collection of speeches and interviews with Economists, Economic Pundits and Financial Consultants on the topics of Economics, Monetary Reform, Globalisation, Banking, Financial Fraud and the Global Fincancial Crisis. "Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce...." James A. Garfield
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Michael Hudson — Historical & International Perspective of the Global Economic Collapse
“The aim of all social reform is to bring prices in line with the cost of production”
Dr. Hudson discusses the current Global Economic Collapse with the perspective of the last 100 years, classical economics, and the failure of global social democratic movements to devise a feasible economic alternative. Dr. Hudson gave this address in Australia in late 2009.
Dr. Hudson was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Kucinich for President campaign, and is writing a new tax policy for the United States. He is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trend, a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author of “Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire”.
Dr. Hudson discusses the current Global Economic Collapse with the perspective of the last 100 years, classical economics, and the failure of global social democratic movements to devise a feasible economic alternative. Dr. Hudson gave this address in Australia in late 2009.
Dr. Hudson was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Kucinich for President campaign, and is writing a new tax policy for the United States. He is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trend, a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and author of “Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire”.
Economic Crisis,
Michael Hudson,
No Lies Radio,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Charles Eisenstein — "The Gift Economy" on Community Currency - 03/18/10
"The Gift Economy" with Charles Eisenstein, author of the book- The Ascent of Humanity- The Age of Separation, the Age of Reunion, and the convergence of crises that is birthing the transition. Charles is currently writing an expansion of the hopeful ideas of Humanity's reunion with nature and a rediscovery of the "gift economy." He sees humanity making the transition from adolescence towards adulthood, overcoming the crises which currently threaten us ans seem somewhat insurmountable. While noting the increasing problems caused by technology, he also sees how approriate technology can help us move towards a genuine healing phase where much of the damage humanity has caused can be remediated. He will be conducting "Seeding Gift Culture" workshops and retreats in April and speaking at the upcoming http://futureofmoney.com/moneyconference/ Future of Money and Technology Summit in San Francisco on April 26th.
Carol Brouillet,
Charles Eisenstein,
Community Currency,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Michael Hudson — The Gary Null Show - 03/23/10
Today's guest is Dr. Michael Hudson and he is one of our nation's important economists and Wall Street financial analysts.
Economic Crisis,
Gary Null,
Michael Hudson,
The Gary Null Show
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Ellen Brown — The Possibility of Creating a State Bank in California on Community Currency - 02/25/10
The Possibility of Creating a State Bank in California with Ellen Brown, author of The Web of Debt- The Shocking Truth About Our Monetary System and How We Can Break Free, and Laura Wells, running for the nomination of the Green Party for Governor of California. Ellen wrote an article entitled 'CALIFORNIA DREAMIN': HOW THE STATE CAN BEAT ITS BUDGET WOES citing the successful example of North Dakota's State Bank to help California steer a new path through its economic crisis. Her article has inspired others to begin drafting legislation to create a state bank for California. Laura Wells, with her background in finance, management and political innovation, has garnered more votes than any other Green Party candidate for state office, when she ran for State Controller on a "Follow the Money" platform. She embraces the idea of a state bank and reshifting taxes from people to corporations.
Carol Brouillet,
Community Currency,
Economic Crisis,
Ellen Brown,
Mike Nickerson — Money, Money, Money on Community Currency - 03/18/10
"Money, Money, Money" with Mike Nickerson, author of the book- Life, Money and Illusion- Living on Earth as if we want to stay. Mike is a visionary activist who was a co-director of the Institute for the Study of Cultural Evolution back in the 70's. His book and this show are an exploration of the human nature, our civilization, illusions and new indicators to help us navigate through the growth/evolutionary process. Mike Nickerson is a longtime environmental activist, popular educator and the author of three books on sustainability including Bakavi: Change the World I Want to Stay On and Planning For Seven Generations: Guideposts for a Sustainable Future. He is a founding member of the Green Party of Canada and helped draft the Canada Well-Being Measurement Act. His website is http://www.SustainWellBeing.net.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Max Fraad-Wolff — Economic Report Warns New Financial Crisis Inevitable (Uprising Radio 4 Mar 2010)
A new report by a group of prominent economists this week warned that banks are still engaged in high-risk investing activity that is making another, potentially bigger financial crisis not only likely, but inevitable. The group includes Rob Johnson of the United Nations Commission of Experts on Finance, plus Elizabeth Warren, chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel to oversee the bank bailout. The report, commissioned by the Roosevelt Institute, points out how banks are using borrowed funds to take risks similar to the ones that crashed the economy in 2007 in order to continue to pay big dividends to share-holders and obscenely large bonuses to executives. The economists also urge the President and Congress to strengthen proposed financial regulations to stem the new crisis-in-making, and called out Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke and Treasure Secretary Timothy Geithner for overseeing “policy as the bubble was inflating.” The report said, now “these same men now designing our ‘rescue.’” The report used unusually strong language to warn could happen if no action was taken: “What will happen when the next shock hits? We may be nearing the stage where the answer will be — just as it was in the Great Depression — a calamitous global collapse.”
Read the Roosevelt Institute’s report at http://www.makemarketsbemarkets.org/report/MakeMarketsBeMarkets.pdf
Read the Roosevelt Institute’s report at http://www.makemarketsbemarkets.org/report/MakeMarketsBeMarkets.pdf
Monday, March 1, 2010
Stephen Zarlenga — A Response to the Austrian School
Part 3: This show is being released on Monday, March 01, 2010. My interview with Steve Zarlenga was recorded on February 23, 2010.
Stephen Zarlenga of the American Monetary Institute has become a regular guest on the Gnostic Media program, and we love having him on. After our series that we completed a few months ago, some people from the Austrian school of economics were upset about the interviews with Stephen, and one of them wrote a long article that was posted to the Ludwig von Mises Institute website (http://mises.org/daily/4102) of the Austrian school attacking Stephen and the interview.
Stephen returns for our 3rd interview together for his critical rejoinder to the Ludwig von Mises Institute website article by Kaj Grüssner. Whether your an economist or not, this is another interview you that won't want to miss.
Stephen Zarlenga of the American Monetary Institute has become a regular guest on the Gnostic Media program, and we love having him on. After our series that we completed a few months ago, some people from the Austrian school of economics were upset about the interviews with Stephen, and one of them wrote a long article that was posted to the Ludwig von Mises Institute website (http://mises.org/daily/4102) of the Austrian school attacking Stephen and the interview.
Stephen returns for our 3rd interview together for his critical rejoinder to the Ludwig von Mises Institute website article by Kaj Grüssner. Whether your an economist or not, this is another interview you that won't want to miss.
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